First Friday ArtWalk Sponsorships
Celebrate the arts in Old Colorado City during First Friday ArtWalk
Date: First Friday of every month
Time: 4:00-8:00 pm
Location: Old Colorado City
Sponsorship details below.
Celebrate the arts in Old Colorado City during First Friday ArtWalk
Date: First Friday of every month
Time: 4:00-8:00 pm
Location: Old Colorado City
Sponsorship details below.
Celebrate the arts in Old Colorado City during First Friday ArtWalk
Date: First Friday of every month
Time: 4:00-8:00 pm
Location: Old Colorado City
Sponsorship details below.
Exclusive sponsorship opportunity. One sponsorship available. Sole perks include:
All perks from lower Sponsorship Levels PLUS:
- Exclusive sponsorship recognition, “First Friday in Old Colorado City brought to you by . . . ” included in the following:
Radio ads
All First Friday ArtWalk event pages online
Community Calendar posts
Monthly Social Media event listings
Press Releases
- Upgrade to a 1/4-page ad in Colorado Fun Guide
- Logo prominently featured in any First Friday ArtWalk print advertisements
- 1 Featured Business email promotion
All perks from Gold & Silver Sponsorship PLUS:
- FREE 1/8-page ad in Colorado Fun Guide
- Unique social media post about your business
- Logo prominently featured in the following:
Community Calendar Posts
First Friday ArtWalk brochures & posters
- 1 month as a Featured Business on the OCC website home page
- 1 First Friday ArtWalk flag (banner)
All perks from Silver Sponsorship PLUS:
- Inclusion in Social Media monthly events
- Inclusion in monthly email promotion as a featured business.
- Logo & business information in the following:
First Friday ArtWalk poster
First Friday ArtWalk brochure
Highlighted location on walking map if business confirms participation in ArtWalk events
-Business mention on ArtWalk brochure
-Inclusion on walking map if business confirms participation in ArtWalk events
-Logo with link to sponsor's website on monthly ArtWalk website event pages
-Supply of ArtWalk brochures & 1 ArtWalk poster
We invite patrons and friends to support for First Friday ArtWalk with a small contribution of $100-$200. In exchange, if you choose, we will include you in our acknowledgements online.
Sponsorship Deadlines:
*Print materials will be ordered early to ensure best promotion. To be included in the printed posters payment and logo deadline is February 10, 2025. Late payment will include digital promotion only.
First Friday ArtWalk Map: For inclusion in the 2025 First Friday ArtWalk walking map, businesses must confirm ArtWalk participation and meet 1 of the following criteria:
• Galleries: Paid OCCA member galleries will receive map spotlight and photo. Deadline 2/10/25.
• Sponsors: Businesses with a Gold or Silver sponsorship will have their business address listed on the walking map. Deadline 2/10/25.
For questions and/or assistance with your sponsorship purchase - please email