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Meditate and Create Art Group at Edenology

  • Edenology Holistic Wellness 2611 W Colorado Ave. Studio B (Upstairs) Colorado Springs United States (map)

Meditate and Create Art Group

Edenology Holistic Wellness

Expressions Sessions start with a guided meditation in the Salt Therapy Room to bring forth inspiration in creativity. The benefits of intentional therapeutic art can promote relaxation, mindfulness, and comfort. Art is a creative outlet to process emotions or grief. Expressions through painting, drawing, crafting and other mediums helps us to get unconscious, undealt with emotions out on the table and onto the canvas. This is a community effort to bring people together offering support on your wellness journey. Art sooths the soul and calms the mind. 

This class is donation based with a sliding scale ranging from $10 minimum to $25.

November 22

The Thanksgiving Play

November 23

The Thanksgiving Play